Welcome to the Rocky Mountain Inventors Association (RMIA) website.
The RMIA, formed in 1978 as the Rocky Mountain Inventors Congress, is a non-profit corporation dedicated to helping people with new ideas achieve their greatest potential through a completely open and impartial education forum developed from a wide diversity of information providers.
"Educations purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one" - Malcom S. Forbes
Members include novice and successful inventors and entrepreneurs as well as all prototypers, manufacturers, packagers, marketers, patent / business attorneys, and others interested in the business of inventing and bringing products to market thus providing a more complete and well rounded education for inventors. Our programs include networking sessions, monthly educational meetings, discussion roundtables, and educational conferences, further we absolutely welcome all manner and forms of competing service providers to give our inventor and entrepreneur members the most diverse and informative education possible to enhance their chances of success.
Our mission statement:
"The mission of The Rocky Mountain Inventors Association (RMIA) is to promote successful product commercialization and protection by offering information, education, and guidance including business contacts and networking opportunities in a completely open to all competing service providers and inventors environment to offer a totally straightforward exchange of unbiased information."
Meetings (Click "Event" Tab above for detail): Non-members may attend meetings for a $15 fee per meeting, members attend meetings for no charge, click "Join Us" tab above for payment options on fees and membership.
Our Code of Ethics Click here
Join our Email List Click here
Join our Blog Click here
Checkout our You Tube video channel (RkyMtnInventors) for meeting presentations and video archive click here We have numerous videos you can search by date, speaker, or topic-these videos cover just about everything important to an inventor, start-up, or entrepreneur. Topics include; funding, finance, angel investors, venture capital, prototyping, manufacturing, sourcing in Asia, accounting, taxes, social media, marketing, entrepreneur stories, and more.
RSVP for meetings Click here

Member Benefits:
Family or individual membership - $125.00 per year, includes unlimited meeting attendance
Student individual membership -$ 62.50 per year, includes unlimited meeting attendance
Corporate membership - $250.00 per year, includes unlimited meeting attendance (up to 4 individuals)
Service Provider-$150.00 per year, includes unlimited meeting attendance (one individual or entity)
For more details click here
Membership benefits include full access to all meeting educational sessions, member networking, and snacks and drinks are provided for no extra charge at meetings. As a member you are also entitled to the United Inventors Association's informative and educational Newsletter at no additional charge that is sent by email. See the Join Us tab for application form and payment options.
RMIA is one of the good guys at: www.inventorfraud.com
Note to all for profit inventor promotion or assistance / individuals or businesses;
As the Rocky Mountain Inventors Association (RMIA) is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit educational organization we cannot promote for profit companies or services in the inventor / invention business area via access to our members, membership information, or any other items. If you are an outside inventor or invention for profit service company we suggest that you apply for membership in the Rocky Mountain Inventors Association and provide educational sessions for our members.
Enhancement on Patent Searching!
The Denver Public Library-Main Branch 13th & Broadway, NW corner-go to the 3rd floor to "Reference" -south central side of building gggggkkkklllll
(south central side of building) and ask for access to "PubWEST" (they will help you) which is the enhanced patent search system that Patent Examiners use at the Patent Office in Washington DC-"PubWEST" has enhanced features for searching that are NOT available online-this is only available at the Denver Public Library.
Even More Important-Denver now has a United States Patent Office Branch Facility!!
The Denver United States Patent Office is located at the Byron G. Rogers Federal Building at 1961 Stout Street, Denver, CO 80294 - opened on June 30, 2014, and has a full fledged Public Search Room that will allow searching for both the EAST & WEST systems, so you can search as good in Denver as you can only search now in Alexandria, VA or Detroit, MI, i.e. being the same system that the Patent Office Examiners use. Also the Denver Patent Office will facilitate to a limited extent Examiner Interviews. The Denver Patent Office could eventually grow to over 1,000 people.
Listing your Patent for Sale or License!
The US Patent Office through their Official Gazette will list your patent for sale or license the 2nd Tuesday of every month for $25 per month-Contact Lamont Fletcher at Phone 703-756-1558
Do You Qualify for Free Help in Writing and Processing a Patent Application?
Contact Mi Casa Business Resource Center at Phone 303-539-5643 or email at probopat@micasaresourcecenter.org and ask for Jennifer Rothschild, go to this link here for more information on the program. This program is called "Pro Bono Patent" or ProBoPat for short.
Supporters of the Rocky Mountain Inventors Association